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Dear Spencer,

Please accept my personal thanks and that of my fellow Royal Marines for all your extraordinary hard work and good humour. Your vision is delivering in spades. You and your team have changed lives and we are all the better for the experience. Veteran Games is a world leader and the UK and overseas teaming up will benefit our veterans immensely. I have returned reinvigorated and ready to continue my own rehab as have many others. It was a pleasure to meet you and Karina, of course Andy Garland. We have known each other for over 30yrs, and the perfect man for the job, but you know that! Competing and making new friends on the way was a very special moment in my life. I have agreed to stay in touch with many of the Israeli veterans I met and we swapped many stories of shared experiences. I also had the chance to bond with my daughter after too much time apart.

Until we meet again, our utmost thanks from me,

Steve, Emma and the veterans of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines Commandos.