Veteran Games 2025

The Veterans Games and Conference 2019, 2022 and 2023 proved to be an extremely positive experience for the veterans and their families. Events of this nature play a significant part in the ongoing recovery of veterans who have suffered physical injury and/or psychological scarring as a consequence of military service. The bringing together of wounded UK and overseas military veterans and family members for a combination of sporting competition and social and cultural activities created an inclusive and collaborative atmosphere that proved conducive to the sharing of common experiences; many have profited from this.

Following the outstanding success of the 2023 Veteran Games which saw 180 UK veterans and their families participate, The 2025 Games will support veterans from across the UK Armed Forces with requests for the nomination of beneficiaries being offered to more than 12 of the major UK Veteran Charities.

As with previous games, participants must be referred by one our partner UK Veteran Charities. Those wishing to take part should contact our charity partners to express their interest - please see a list of partners here.