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Dear Andy

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for organising and delivering the second Veteran Games and Conference, and for welcoming me to them with Jane.

You will have seen the feedback on social media from those who attended, so will be under no illusion as to the life-changing impact they have made on the British veterans and families who attended. I’d go as far as saying (maybe having forgotten the feedback in 2019) that these Games made even more positive impact on the participants: once again, the principle of not having to qualify to compete was extremely significant and made a profound positive impact on those who were daunted by the prospect of sporting competition against the Israeli veterans, who were quickly put at ease and came away knowing they could indeed achieve, overcoming their own lack of self-confidence. There’s no doubt that those returning will face their daily challenges with a far more positive outlook and determination.

Your organisation along with Spencer and Karina was as before simply superb, and you had clearly reflected carefully on lessons learned in 2019 to make the physical demands on the families less exhausting. The programme was still full on, but I don’t think anyone was overwhelmed, and nobody I have spoken to would have swapped a moment for more sleep or a another afternoon on the beach.

Once again, the Games reunited those of the same cap badge who had fallen apart, and rekindled friendship which means they will care for each other more closely going forward. Once again new friendships were made with those of differing units which will be enduring. Once again, friendships were made with comrades which I hope will last.

Once again the welcome provided was absolutely outstanding, and the warmth of that welcome each day by every staff member. The Conference was extremely useful, bringing together British SMEs who actually don’t meet in the UK, as well as giving them a chance to hear from the Israeli attendees. I learned much, and will be following up with a number of the participants back in the UK, as did Jane for her work with school pupils, an unexpected bonus.

The Games host team were just as wonderful as last time, perhaps even more so, achieving just the right measure of firmness in getting everyone where they were meant to be at the right time, along with getting to know the attendees and supporting them.

But let me finish by feeding back to you the comments I have received from wheelchair-bound attendee Martin K, which for me demonstrates just how much your trouble to ensure that all are included, demonstrating that no-one cannot be catered for:

I know I caused many headaches in the lead up to the event with the uncertainty about my being prepared to take part, but thank God I did, because it truly was an amazing, once in a lifetime experience. The whole trip was outstanding, both from an organisational point of view, and an experience for the veterans and their families. The experience of meeting and spending time exchanging experiences of our recovery process with other veterans and their families was extremely beneficial to all concerned and I have learned so much from the experience and formed new friendships.

We really are still buzzing about the whole weeks experience, outstanding!!

It was great to see you again, hoping we can catch up soon in England!

Every good wish as ever
